How to Choose a Compass

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How to Choose a Compass

A compass is one of the most basic navigation tools a hiker can own. The device does not require batteries, works with any map, and even works without a map! It is important for new compass users to understand the basics of navigating with a compass, even though entire books have been written about it.

When looking at your compass, the floating needle is magnetized, and the red end always points towards the magnetic north. It doesn't matter which way you turn the compass; the red needle will always point north.

Another thing to remember when using a compass is that magnetic north is not true north (the North Pole). Orient your needle to true north when boxing your needle (have the red arrow within the red outline - the orienting arrow) since maps are oriented towards true north.

How can we resolve the issue of these two different Norths? For any particular area, declination is the difference between true north and magnetic north. The amount of difference between magnetic and true north varies by location.[1]

The legend on a topographic map will probably show the declination as two straight lines, where a star at the top indicates true north, and MN indicates magnetic north at the bottom. It's okay to ignore this legend if your map isn't fairly new since not only does the declination vary by area, it also varies over time.

There is no guarantee that the declination is still 12 degrees west, just because it was when the map was published. This is also a skill that requires practice and honing to become good at it.

By knowing the declination, which is expressed in degrees west, a negative number or degrees east, a positive number, you should be able to adjust your compass accordingly. There may be a screw to adjust this, but it varies from model to model. You might be able to find directions on the manufacturer's website if you no longer have the owner's manual. 

How do I choose a Compass?

A basic Compass

A basic compass is primarily used for navigation, both in the wilderness and in urban settings. It can help a person determine the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) and maintain a desired course while traveling by foot, car, boat, or other means. Additionally, a compass can be used to take bearings, which is a measurement of the angle between a specific direction and magnetic north. This can be useful for determining the location of a specific point, such as a peak or a building, relative to one's current position. Some other basic uses of compass are:

  • Orienteering: it is a sport that involves navigation by map and compass.
  • Surveying
  • Search and Rescue
  • Geocaching
  • Military and law enforcement operations

 It's a simple yet powerful tool that allows people to orient themselves in the environment, and plan and execute their travels accordingly.

Orienteering Compass

An orienteering compass is a type of compass specifically designed for the sport of orienteering, which is a form of land navigation that involves finding control points marked on a map using only a compass and a map.

An orienteering compass typically has a number of features that make it well-suited to this sport:

  • A base plate with a straight edge that can be used to take accurate bearings and measure distances on a map.
  • A rotating bezel or azimuth ring that can be used to set and adjust bearings, and has degree markings for more precise navigation.
  • A sighting mechanism, such as a sighting line or rotating prism, to help align the compass with the desired direction of travel.
  • A clear and easy-to-read display that is easy to read in various lighting conditions.
  • A robust design that can withstand rugged outdoor use.

Additionally, it's often lightweight and compact, easy to carry and handle. Orienteering compasses are used by orienteers, hikers, backpackers, scouts, and anyone who engages in outdoor activities that require navigation by map and compass.

Survival Compass

A survival compass is a type of compass that is designed for use in survival and emergency situations. It is typically built to be durable and rugged, able to withstand extreme conditions and rough handling.

A survival compass often includes features that make it useful in survival situations, such as:

  • A sighting mechanism, such as a sighting line or rotating prism, to help align the compass with the desired direction of travel.
  • A rotating bezel or azimuth ring that can be used to set and adjust bearings, and has degree markings for more precise navigation.
  • Luminous markings for easy reading in low light conditions.
  • A waterproof and/or floatable design
  • A built-in whistle, thermometer, magnifying glass, and other survival tools

It may also come with a detailed instruction manual that provides information on how to use the compass and other tools in a survival setting. A survival compass is a must-have tool for hikers, backpackers, hunters, and anyone who engages in outdoor activities that may require survival skills. It could be an essential tool in an emergency situation when you need to navigate to safety or signal for help.

Without knowing what you're looking for, it can be difficult to purchase compasses for a hike or any outdoor event. Come one down to Marks Outdoors and we can service all of your compass-related needs.